CMFB Opinions
The CMFB has, in particular, the task of expressing opinions on the development and coordination of the monetary, financial and balance of payments statistics required for the policies implemented by the Council, the Commission, and the various committees assisting them.
The CMFB may:
be asked to express opinions on the links between monetary, financial and balance of payments statistics on the one hand, and certain other economic statistics on the other, in particular those on which national accounts are based;
express opinions on its own initiative on any questions relating to the establishment or the implementation of statistical programmes in the monetary, financial and balance of payments fields;
express opinions on its own initiative on any questions relating to those statistics that are of common concern to the Commission and national statistical authorities, on the one hand, and the European Central Bank (ECB) and national central banks, on the other.
In the execution of its tasks, the Committee shall give its views to all interested parties.