Closing the data gaps on climate change - joint efforts between the European System of Central Banks and the European Statistical System
16-17 January 2025
Day 1 - Thursday, 16 January 2025
Session 1: Opening
14:05– 15:30
Ms Mariana Kotzeva (Eurostat)
Opening address - Valdis Dombrovskis (Commissioner)
Opening address - Fritzi Köhler-Geib (Deutsche Bundesbank) - Speech
Keynote speech - Professor Jim Skea (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) - Presentation
Session 2: CO2 emissions, footprints, energy accounts
15:50– 18:25
Mr Arturo De La Fuente (Eurostat)
Joint CMFB-ECCBSO Task Force on environmental data - Ville Tolkki (Suomen Pankki) and Alfredo Maldonado Garcia-Verdugo (Banco de España) - Presentation
French experience, AEA and carbon footprint - Sylvain Larrieu and Manuel Baude (INSEE) - Presentation
Climate-change related indicators and beyond: Nowcasting and look-through extensions for carbon emissions - Justin Dijk (De Nederlandsche Bank) - Presentation
Greenhouse Gas Protocol - Maia Kutner (WBCSD) - Presentation
Climate Action at Telefónica - Catherine Bohill (Telefónica) - Presentation
Day 2 - Friday, 17 January 2025
Session 3: Climate expenditures and finance
09:30 – 11:20
Ms Martine Druant (Nationale Bank van België)
ESCB initiatives on sustainable finance statistics - Nuno Silva (ECB) - Presentation
Overview of international statistical classifications in relation with climate change - Julian Chow (UNSD) - Presentation available soon
CCM - Private and public mitigation expenditure, DGI3 Recommendations 6-7 - Isabelle Remond-Tiedrez (EC) - Presentation
Sustainable finance disclosure framework - Barbara Gabor (EC) - Presentation
Session 4: Climate-related risks
11:40– 14:45
Ms Caroline Willeke (European Central Bank)
Monitoring exposure to past and future climate-related hazards - Mikaël Maes (OECD) - Presentation
Forward Looking Physical and Transition Risks - Erich Strassner (IMF) - Presentation
Geospatial data and climate change threats - perspective of official statistics and environmental economic accounting - Kaia Oras (Statistics Estonia) - Presentation
Climate Risks And Firms, A New Methodology For Assessing Physical Risks - Riccardo Russo (Banca d'Italia) - Presentation
Session 5: Work for the future (panel session)
15:00– 16:00
Mr Tobias Thomas (Statistik Austria)
Robert Kirchner - Deputy Director General Statistics (Deutsche Bundesbank)
Mariana Kotzeva - Director-General (Eurostat)
Claudia Mann - Director General ECB Statistics (ECB)
Elena Manzanera Díaz - President (Instituto Nacional de Estadística Spain)
Session 6: Conclusions and closing
16:00 – 16:15
Closing words by the Director General of ECB Statistics