Workshop on Globalistion
Hosted by Statistics Austria in Vienna on 4-5 July 2018
CMFB Workshop on Measuring cross-border activities of multinational enterprises comparing demand for and supply of official statistics
In May 2017, the European Statistical Forum (ESF) agreed on a prioritisation of globalisation-related dossiers with shared interest between the ESS and the ESCB to cooperate, as described in the Final Report of the temporary ESF Globalisation Group. The effects of relocation of national affiliates of multinationals on economic statistics were identified as the most important element for improving existing data collections. In addition, a comprehensive reference table with the globalisation initiatives of common interest to the ESS and the ESCB was agreed. This table illustrates the manifold activities of the statistical community.
Following its work programme, the CMFB discussed the issue at its meeting in June 2017 in Luxembourg. There was an agreement that an overview of the ongoing activities is needed. On the one hand, any duplication of work shall be avoided. On the other hand, important user interests need to be taken into account. Therefore, the CMFB agreed to organise a workshop: Taking stock of the ongoing statistical initiatives and bringing together demand and supply. The aim of this workshop is threefold: sharing information about user needs and ongoing statistical developments in different institutions, clarity about intersections between different work streams and addressing important (new) questions to existing work structures.
4 July 2018
09:30 - 09:45 - Welcome address (Mr Konrad Pesendorfer, Director General of Statistics Austria)
09:45 - 10:00 - Introductory remarks (Mr Andrea Brandolini, CMFB Acting Chair, Head of Statistical Analysis Directorate of Banca d’Italia)
10:00 - 10:30 - Keynote speech: The old and new statistical challenges, a possible roadmap (Mr Louis Marc Ducharme, Chief Statistician, Data Officer and Director of the IMF) (link)
Session I: Globalisation – General framework and statistical challenges
4 July 2018, 10:30 - 11:30
Session I covers the political surrounding of globalisation and aims to identify main drivers. The discussion should investigate how official statistics could cope with the challenges and benefit from access to the data.
Mr Aurel Schubert, Director General Statistics at the ECB
Mr Paul Schreyer, Deputy Chief Statistician at the OECD, Statistical challenges of globalisation (presentation)
Mr Stefan Zeugner, DG ECFIN, Policy aspects of globalisation
Session II: What do users need - first part
4 July 2018, 11:45 - 13:15
Session II aims to take stock of user needs. It describes the demand after the “Irish case” and before the Brexit. The discussion should clarify the importance and urgency.
Mr Jacques Fournier, Director-General Statistics, Banque de France
Mr Tim Allen, Head of Press Office, European Commission (Eurostat), Communicating globalisation effects (presentation)
Mr John McCarthy, Chief Economist at the Department of Finance Ireland, Statistical issues in a highly globalised economy – implications for policy formulation in Ireland
Ms Doris Ritzberger-Grünwald, Head of Economic Analysis and Research Department at the OeNB, Measuring Inflation in Times of globalisation – A Central Banker’s view (presentation)
Session II: What do users need - second part
4 July 2018, 14:30 - 16:00
Mr Joe McNeill, Head of Statistics, Central Bank of Ireland
Mr Ettore Dorrucci, Head of Euro Area External Sector&Euro Adoption Division at the ECB, Globalisation and Economic Analysis
Mr Bruno Tissot, Head of Statistics & Research Support at the BIS, Financial globalisation and new data needs
Session II: What do users need - third part
4 July 2018, 16:30 - 17:30
Mr Ville Vertanen, Director Economic and Environmental Statistics department, Statistics Finland
Mr Stefano Federico, Economist at the Bank of Italy, Reconsidering the debate on ownership versus geography: evidence from a new database on the global manufacturing sector
Mr Robert Kirchner, Deputy Director General Statistics, Deutsche Bundesbank, presenting joint work of the Directorates General Economics and Statistics of the Bundesbank, MNEs: What should be measured for what purpose? (presentation)
Session III: Statistical activities and their expected outcomes
5 July 2018, 9:30 - 11:30
The objective of Session III is to take stock of ongoing statistical initiatives, their timetables and expected outcomes. The discussion shall clarify the intersections of the different work streams.
Ms Ursula Havel, Director Macro-economic Statistics, Statistics Austria, CMFB Sponsor on Globalisation
Ms Caroline Willeke, Deputy Director General Statistics, ECB, Ms Silke Stapel-Weber, Director National accounts, Prices and Key Indicators, Eurostat; Overview of statistical initiatives and outcome of the CMFB brainstorming (presentation; paper)
Mr Dylan Rassier, U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, Multinational Enterprise Structuring and Measurement in Economic Accounts (presentation; paper; paper)
Mr John Verrinder and Mr August Götzfried, Eurostat, Detecting and analyzing MNE restructuring (presentation)
Mr Gerard J. Eding, Director of National Accounts, Statistics Netherlands, MNEs and economic statistics, experience and challenges in the Netherlands (presentation)
Session IV: Panel and general discussion – Bringing together demand and supply
5 July 2018, 12:00 - 13:45
The panel and general discussion should bring together the results of the sessions before and compare demand and supply. The discussion should focus on important (new) questions which could be addressed to existing structures. It should be elaborated which user requests could be more easily taken up in the short or medium run and which others seem more difficult to tackle. The reasons shall be made transparent.
Mr Robert Kirchner, Deputy Director General Statistics of the Deutsche Bundesbank, CMFB Sponsor on Globalisation
Mr Louis Marc Ducharme, Director Statistics at the IMF
Mr Paul Schreyer, Deputy Chief Statistician at the OECD
Mr Bruno Tissot, Head of Statistics & Research Support at the BIS
Mr Aurel Schubert, Director General Statistics at the ECB
Ms Silke Stapel-Weber, Head of Directorate National Accounts, Prices and Key Indicators, Eurostat
Final remarks and CMFB conclusions
5 July 2018, 13:45 - 14:00
Mr Andrea Brandolini, CMFB Acting Chair (speech)