Workshop on Business Registers
Hosted by Eurostat in Luxembourg on 29 June 2022
CMFB Workshop on collaboration and exchange of Business Registers (BR) data for statistical and non-statistical purposes between National Statistical Institutes (NSI) and National Central Banks (NCB)
NCBs and NSIs closely cooperate to enhance the sharing of data for the purpose of statistical consistency as well as the agility and flexibility of statistical production. The workshop aims at bringing together the various national and European examples of collaboration and exchange of BR. These business cases could inspire countries and European institutions to adopt the best practices in term of statistical cooperation. The discussion concerning confidentiality and legal framework constraints also provides avenues to explore as well as workable solutions to reconcile statistical and non-statistical use.
29 June 2022
Session A: Introductory remarks / the need of this workshop / expected outcomes
09:30 - 09:45
Session A provides an overview regarding the previous CMFB actions and the various scope of this workshop.
CMFB Chair:
Mr Gerard Eding, (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, Netherlands, NSI)
Session B: European Registers and the collaboration with NCBs and NSIs: sharing the best practices
09:45 – 10:45
Session B reviews the status and developments of RIAD and EGR, the Business Registers of ECB and Eurostat.
Mr Ursula Havel, (Statistik Austria, NSI)
Mr Peter Neudorfer (DG-S ECB), European Registers - sharing the best practices. The ESCB' s Master Dataset on Entities: RIAD (presentation)
Ms Enrica Morganti (Eurostat), Presentation on European Satistical Register on multinational enterpise groups-EuroGroups Register: EGR (presentation)
Session C: Use of BRs by both NSIs and NCBs for statistical purposes
11:00 – 13:00
Session C aims at illustrating the current collaboration between NSIs and NCBs for statistical purposes across national use cases.
Mr Pedro Oliveira, (Instituto Nacional de Estatística, Portugal, NSI)
Mr Patrick Baart (CBS), Mr Tineke de Jonge (DNB), Presentation on DNB-Statistics Netherlands Collaboration Project "One Register" (presentation)
Ms Caterina Viviano (Istat), Ms Lucia Ristori (Banca d'Italia), Presentation on the Italian experience and collaboration in the exchange of registers' data for statistical purposes: a focus on LEI (presentation)
Ms Cécile Golfier (BdF), Ms Myriam Broin (INSEE), Presentation on the Collaboration Project on the exchange of business register data for statistical purposes between NSI and NCB: the French experience (presentation)
Mr Jaanus Kroon (Eesti Pank), Presentation on the cooperation between Statistics Estonia and Eesti Pank in the field of statistical business register from the Eesti Pank perspective (presentation)
Session D: Use of BRs by NSIs and NCBs for non-statistical purposes
14:30 – 15:45
Session D aims at illustrating the current collaboration between NSIs and NCBs for non-statistical purposes across national use cases.
Mr Francois Mouriaux (Banque de France, France, NCB)
Ms Katharina Muno (Deutsche Bundesbank), Mr Thorsten Tümmler (Destatis), Presentation on the collaboration of Deutsche Bundesbank and Federal Statistical Office on business register data (presentation)
Mr Juan Penalosa (BdE), Presentation on the exchange of business register data for non-statistical purposes: the Spanish case (presentation)
Session E: Panel discussion - wrap-up session
16:00 – 17:15
This session summarizes the main outcomes of the workshop and the further work to undertake in the area of Business Registers.
Mr Robert Kirchner, Deutsche Bundesbank, Germany, NCB
Dominique Durant (DG-S ECB)
Enrica Morganti (Eurostat)
Ursula Havel (Statistik Austria)
Pedro Oliveira (Banco de Espana)
Francois Mouriaux (Banque de France)
Final remarks and conclusions
17:15 – 17:30
CMFB Chair:
Mr Gerard Eding, (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, Netherlands, NSI)