Workshop on the review of international standards
Hosted by the Deutsche Bundesbank in Munich on 26 June 2024
CMFB Workshop on the review of international standards
26 June 2024
Introduction by the Chair of the Committee on Monetary, Financial And Balance of Payments Statistics (CMFB)
09:00 – 09:10
Mr Robert Kirchner (Deutsche Bundesbank, Germany)
Session 1: General issues and update on the state of play
09:10 – 10:20
Mr Robert Kirchner (Deutsche Bundesbank, Germany)
SNA update - Mr Peter van de Ven (lead editor) and Mr Pete Harper (project manager) - Presentation
BPM update - Mr Carlos Sánchez-Muñoz (IMF) [videoconference] - Presentation
New standards in Europe - Ms Olga Monteiro (ECB DG-S) and Mr John Verrinder (Eurostat) - Presentation
☕ Break: 10:20-10:50
Session 2: Globalisation
10:50 – 12:20
Mr Pedro Oliveira (Instituto Nacional de Estatística, Portugal & CMFB Executive Body)
Recording of intellectual property products: the German experience using the GMPG Decision Tree - Benedikt Kuckelkorn (Destatis) - Presentation
Compilation of extended supply and use tables for Italy - Federico Sallusti (Istat) - Presentation
Breakdown of multinationals data in financial and non-financial accounts - María Antonia Martínez Luengo (INE ES) and María Pérez-Jurado (Banco de España) - Presentation
Reflecting MNEs and SPEs with regard to compilation issues - Susanne Goldhammer (Bundesbank) - Presentation
🥗 Break: 12.30-13.40
Session 3: Digitalisation
13:40 – 14:50
Ms Silvia Fabiani (Banca d'Italia & CMFB Executive Body)
Digital economy Supply and Use Tables in Finland - Mr Eljas Tuomaala (Statistics Finland) [videoconference] - Presentation
Digital trade – new challenges for data compilation - Mr Jens Walter and Ms Susanne Goldhammer (Bundesbank) - Presentation
Results of a feasibility study on the recording of data on national accounts - Mr Benedikt Kuckelkorn (Destatis) - Presentation
Session 4: Sustainability and well-being
14:50 – 16:00
Mr Janus Kroon (Eesti Pank, Estonia & CMFB Executive Body)
French distributional accounts - Mr Mathias André (INSEE) - Presentation
Estimating the Italian distribution of income from a National Accounts perspective - Mr Giovanni Savio (Istat) - Presentation
The Italian experience in estimating the joint distribution of household income, consumption and wealth - Ms Gabriella Donatiello (Istat) and Mr Andrea Neri (Banca d’Italia) [videoconference] - Presentation
☕ Break: 16.00-16.30
Session 5: Communication and other issues
16:30 – 17:40
Mr Gunther Swoboda (Oesterreichische Nationalbank, Austria & CMFB Executive Body)
Halfway to disseminating VASPs (Virtual Asset Service Providers) statistics - Mr Ain Paas (Eesti Pank) - Presentation
Retained earnings and the current account – impact for the Netherlands - Mr Melle Bijlsma and/or Mr Luuk Verstraaten (De Nederlandsche Bank) - Presentation
Debtor/creditor principle as a necessary standard in Financial Accounts and the need to remove BPM 9.16 - Mr Paul Feuvrier (Banque Centrale du Luxembourg) - Presentation
Panel conclusions by the the CMFB Chair and Vice-Chair, ECB DG-S and Eurostat
17:40 – 18:00
CMFB Chair: Mr Robert Kirchner (Deutsche Bundesbank, Germany)
CMFB Vice-Chair: Mr Alfredo Cristobal (Instituto Nacional de Estatística, Spain)
ECB: Ms Caroline Willeke (European Central Bank, Directorate General Statistics, Deputy Director General)
Eurostat: Mr John Verrinder (Eurostat, Acting Director Macroeconomic Statistics)